Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Sunshine in a Scoop: Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Enjoy within the dynamic taste of summer with this formula for Hand crafted Strawberry Ice Cream. Bursting with new strawberry flavor and settled in a smooth, rich base, this ice cream may be a delightful treat for any event.

This recipe permits you to exhibit the excellence of new strawberries. You'll control the sweetness level and customize it with extra flavors or mix-ins. 

Estimated Time and Servings :

 Prep Time: 10 minutes 
 Chill Time: 4 hours, or overnight (not included in active cooking time)
 Churn Time: 20-25 minutes 
 Total Time (excluding overnight chilling): 30-35 minutes 
 Servings: 4-6 servings 


 For the Strawberry Ice Cream Base:

  • 1 ½ cups whole milk
  • 1 ½ cups heavy cream
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 1 ½ mugs of cut strawberries with stems expelled 


  1. Warm the Drain and Cream: In a pan, combine the drain, cream, sugar, and salt. Warm the blend over medium warm until the sugar breaks down and the blend stews tenderly.
  2. Mood the Eggs: In a partitioned bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Gradually whisk a few of the warm drain blend into the egg yolks to mood them. Gradually whisk the tempered egg yolks back into the pot with the remaining drain blend.
  3. Thicken the Custard: Cook the custard base over medium heat, mixing continually, until it thickens and coats the back of a spoon (around 8-10 minutes). Don't let the blend bubble.
  4. Puree the Strawberries: Whereas the custard cools slightly, puree the new strawberries in a blender or nourishment processor until smooth. You'll be able strain the puree on the off chance that you lean toward a really smooth surface, but a few little strawberry pieces can include pleasant pops of flavor.
  5. Combine and Chill: Blend the strawberry puree into the cooled custard base. Strain the blend through a fine-mesh sifter into a clean bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap straightforwardly touching the surface of the custard to avoid a skin from shaping. Refrigerate for at slightest 4 hours, or in a perfect world overnight, to chill totally.
  6. Churn and Solidify: Once chilled, churn the custard base in an ice cream producer concurring to the manufacturer's informational.
  7. Freeze and Enjoy!  Exchange the churned ice cream to an air proof holder and solidify for at slightest 4 hours, or until firm. Scoop and appreciate your custom made Strawberry Ice Cream!

Tips for Marvelous Strawberry Ice Cream:

  • Fresh is Best: Utilize ready, flavorful strawberries for the finest comes about. Solidified strawberries can be utilized in a squeeze, but they will have a less strongly flavor and milder surface.
  • Sweetness Control: The sum of sugar can be adjusted to your inclination. You'll too taste the strawberry puree before including it to the custard and alter the sugar level in like manner.
  • Mix-in Enchantment: Get imaginative! Overlay in chopped new strawberries, chocolate chips, or chopped nuts after churning for included surface and flavor.
  • No Ice Cream Creator? No issue! The custard base can be solidified in an waterproof holder with standard mixing each few hours to break up ice crystals. This strategy will take longer to attain a scoopable consistency.

Nutrition Information (per serving):

This data is inexact and can change depending on the particular fixings utilized.

  • Calories: 400-500
  • Fat: 20-30 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 40-50 grams
  • Protein: 5-10 grams
  • Sodium: 100-150 milligrams (This could shift depending on the sodium substance of the milk, cream, and other fixings you employ.)


This Hand crafted Strawberry Ice Cream formula may be a reviving and simple way to appreciate the taste of summer. With its basic fixings, customizable options, and dynamic strawberry flavor, this formula is beyond any doubt to become a new favorite for hot days and celebrations. So snatch your fixings, get imaginative with mix-ins, and scoop up a few sunshine in each nibble!